主营:铝基板、陶瓷板、刚挠性、双面、多层及HDI高精密线路板; 官网:; 2016年营业收入:8.60亿元ManKun Technology is a professional double, multi-layer circuit board development, production of high-tech enterprises. Early company mainly engaged in trade and development board for better return customers, the company in late 2002 to build the circuit board manufacturing plant in Shenzhen, and in December 2003....
主营:软性印刷电路板、薄膜式开关、按键矽胶弹片、手机按键、外壳及铝镁合金元件; 2016年营业收入:8.43亿元Established in 1983 in Taiwan. with over-30-year proficiency in manufacturing, has built its reputation in electronic component's manufacturing and cultivate solid partnerships with worldwide customers. To extend core proficiency in components, FPC division was founded in 1999 and focus on high-end fine pitch flexible circuit boardIn order to strengthen Ichia long-term competitive edge, over the years, Ichia has been moving toward to build ....
主营:软性印制电路板 2016年营业收入:8.36亿元We build FPC and PCB....
主营:高密度互联多层印制电路板; 2016年营业收入:8.23亿元Shanghai Unitech established in 1997, specialized in manufacture multi-layer print circuit board. The products are major used in mobile communication, automobile electronics. Shanghai Unitech offers quality product and service to domestic and international customers. With effort from all the employees, Shanghai Unitech has setup a steady and dependable technology image, promise the best quality and service assurance to our customer.....
官网: 2016年营业收入:8.22亿元AKM Industrial Company Limited. (HK 8298), listed in Hong Kong, is a leading FPC substrate company offering FPC/COF design, manufacturing, SMT assembly services and full module turnkey services. provider of semiconductor testing and assembly services......
简介:成立于2010年,总投资额1.8亿人民币,是一家专业生产单、双面和多层柔性线路板及多层软硬结合线路板的高新技术企业。工厂坐落于苏州新区金枫路189号,现有厂房面积35,000平方米,月产能100,000平方米; 主营:单、双面和多层柔性线路板及多层软硬结合线路板; 2016年营业收入:8.18亿元orewin Suzhou Electronics was established in 2010 with total investment 180milion RMB. Forewin is a high tech company specializing in the manufacturing of Flexible printed circuit board(FPC) including single layer, double layers, multilayer, and Rigid-flex. Forewin is located in #189 JinFeng Road , New District, Suzhou , Jian....
简介:成立于2011年,从事信息、通讯产品的技术开发、货物及技术进出口、生产经营层压多层线路板、生产经营精密在线测量仪器、生产经营柔性线路板; 主营:层压多层线路板、柔性线路板; 2016年营业收入:8.16亿元Sunshine Global PCB Group is a world premier Printed Circuit Board manufacturer. We provide high mix, low to mid volume, high tech PCB solutions to leading technology companies throughout the world.While manufacturing in Shenzhen, China, we have established our customer service centers in US, Germany and Singapore. Sunshine Circuits strive to provide superior services at competitive offshore....
简介:是一家成立于1998年的专业从事印刷电路板(PCB)的研发、生产、销售为一体的现代化高新技术企业。集团下属广东骏亚电子科技股份有限公司以及龙南骏亚电子科技有限公司; 主营:PCB; 2016年营业收入:8亿元Champion Asia Group (Hong Kong) is a modern high-tech enterprise which established in 1998 and major work on PCB(Printed Circuit Board) development, production and sales. Guangdong Champion Asia Electronics Co.,Ltd. and Longnan Champion Asia Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. are the subsidiaries of Champion Asia Group.....
主营:HDI/厚铜/高层/光通信/软硬结合/混压等PCB; 2016年营业收入:7.99亿元Shenzhen Jove Enterprise Co, Ltd established in 1999.Factory size 65,000㎡;Employee 1500;Capacity 120,000㎡/month.J Jove, a high technology PCB manufacturing company, is strategically located in the Shenzhen Special Economic zone, People’s Republic of China with easy accessibility by sea or air or car. research guided professional PCB manufacturer.s .As a result, JOVE is able to offer its customers the kind of superior quality multi-layer printed circu....
简介:是惠州中京电子科技股份有限公司的全资子公司,专门承接与开展PCB相关业务。中京电子已构筑起集研发、生产、销售和服务于一体的现代化线路板生产体系,年产各种精密双面、高多层、高密度互连(HDI)印制电路板160万㎡; 主营:印制电路板; 2016年营业收入:7.94亿元CeePCB focus in high layer PCBs and HDI PCBs....
简介:位于广东省江门市高新技术工业区,成立于2001年10月,占地面积7万平方米,厂房面积5万平方米。公司隶属于建滔化工集团,建滔化工集团已跻身全球华商500强(05年名列第78位)之列。 主营:多层线路板; 2016年营业收入:7.89亿元Major in multi-layers PCBs, locate in Jiangmen city Guangdong provicen of China.....
主营:单面板、双面板、多层板、以及铝基板、碳墨板; 官网:; 2016年营业收入:7.55亿元....